Alcohol – The Good and The Bad
Jessica Joy
Today's generation is too much into alcohol consumption. Teenagers think that consuming alcohol will make them cool and popular in their groups. They are unaware of the harm it causes to your body. Alcohol contains "ethanol", which is the main psychoactive ingredient that makes you drunk.
Alcohol is produced by yeast that digests sugar in foods like grapes, grains which are used to make wine and beer. It is one of the most prevalent psychoactive substances in the world. It affects the mood and mental state of the person. It reduces self-consciousness and shyness.
Effect of alcohol on your body are:
· It has a great impact on your liver.
The liver is an organ having essential functions and its main role is to neutralize the various toxic substances and alcohol is also metabolized in the liver. Consuming alcohol regularly can lead to many problems. Alcohol causes many diseases like fatty liver and, liver cirrhosis. In fatty liver, fat increases inside the liver cells. Cirrhosis occurs due to heavy drinking which causes inflammation of the liver cells.
· It impacts your BRAIN
It causes numerous adverse effects on your brain. The ethanol present in the alcohol reduces communication between your brain cells. Heavy drinking may cause problems like amnesia and impaired brain function. The brain is very sensitive and chronic alcohol abuse may increase the risk of dementia and shrinkage of the brain.
· It may cause DEPRESSION
Consumption of alcohol increases the risk of depression and even worsens the situation. Depression and alcohol intake are related to each other. People facing anxiety and depression consume alcohol intentionally to reduce stress and enhance their mood. But it gives relief for some time. People may start consuming alcohol due to depression OR become depressed by consuming it.
· It affects HEART HEALTH.
Consuming alcohol in small quantities may have a good impact on your heart by heavy drinking increases the risk of many heart diseases. Minimum alcohol consumption helps decrease blood pressure and cholesterol and reduces the risk of diabetes. Heavy drinking increases the risk of heart diseases.
Everything is bad if taken in excess quantity so if you enjoy alcohol you should keep it to the minimum amount and do not binge over it. Always keep in mind the harmful effects of it and should avoid it as much as possible or consume a regulated amount!