Benefits of Matcha Tea!
Sayantika Chatterjee
Matcha has skyrocketed in popularity lately, with matcha shots, lattes, teas, even beauty products, popping up literally everywhere. Studies of Matcha and its components have unearthed a variety of health benefits. The best authentic matcha comes only from the fine top leaves of the shade-grown tea. All stems and veins are removed, and only the leaves are stone-ground into an ultra-fine green powder.
This is the only form of tea in which the whole leaf is consumed, giving all of its powerful nutrients, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids, making Matcha one of the healthiest beverages. Hence, we are here to discuss the health benefits of Matcha and why it should be consumed on a daily basis.
1.Match Tea Will Support Your Immune System
Every cup of matcha green tea contains amazing immune-boosting effects. Catechins in the form of EGCG, like many antioxidants, have a wide range of cellular healing effects. These same EGCG catechins are also useful in battling bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. One cup of matcha green tea contains large amounts of phosphorus, vitamins A and C, iron, calcium, and enzymes. It has been discovered that drinking matcha green tea can help protect the brains of HIV patients.
2.Matcha Tea Will Act As An Energy Booster
Matcha green tea gives the morning routine a well-balanced energy boost. The tea has been used for decades to build a feeling of alertness when the body is cool and happy. It contains a safe form of caffeine that should not be confused with the normal one in coffee. This special caffeine shape type is called Theine. Caffeine in matcha is integrated in a somewhat distinct and even better manner than caffeine in coffee due to the unusual mix of phytonutrients.
3.Matcha Tea Will Help You With Weight Loss
According to a 1999 report published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, green tea extract abundant in catechins has thermogenic properties and stimulates fat oxidation in addition to the caffeine content of the tea. This study discovered that drinking matcha green tea would boost thermogenesis (the body's unusual rate of burning calories) from 8 to 10% of daily energy expenditure to 35 to 43% of daily energy expenditure.
4.Matcha Tea Is Best At Detoxification
One of the most compelling reasons to drink matcha green tea every day is to aid in detoxification. For two to four weeks before harvest, the delicate matcha tea plants are shaded from direct sunshine. As a result, the chlorophyll content of the matcha plant's leaves increases significantly. Chlorophyll is an effective cleanser that helps to detoxify the body's cells. It helps in the preservation of blood and tissue alkalinity. Via the nutrients it provides, matcha naturally extracts heavy metals and chemical contaminants from the body.
5.Matcha Tea Will Keep Your Heart Healthy
Matcha green tea can be beneficial for improving cardiac health, metabolism, and blood sugar levels in people with diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The EGCGs in matcha green tea have also been shown to help diabetics lower their triglyceride, total cholesterol, and hepatic glucose content.
Although matcha green tea powder is the most common form of tea powder right now, drinking tea made from powders is not a novel idea. Though tea powder is a fantastically safe product, it does not immediately impact its health benefits on anything it is combined with. Variables such as boiling temperatures, cooking cycles, and other components must be considered in order to protect and preserve the green tea powder's noteworthy nutrition.