Foods and Electrolytes that are Worth Consuming!
Jessica Joy
The body requires electrolytes to function properly. Electrolytes are necessary for nerve and muscle function and the regulation of blood pressure. It also keeps you hydrated and regulates your body's pH level. These are the minerals that carry an electric charge. The electrolytes present in the body are Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphate, and Bicarbonate.
Imbalance of electrolytes can harm your health, imbalance occurs due to dehydration caused by vomiting or excess water loss due to heat. Electrolyte imbalances cause symptoms like Fatigue, Confusion, Tingling or numbness, Headaches, and Convulsions.

Here is the list of food which is rich in electrolytes.
· Vegetables – Spinach, broccoli, avocado, beans, olives, potatoes, and tomatoes.

· Fruits – Strawberries, watermelon, oranges, and banana.

· The side food constituents like Nuts including Peanuts, almonds, raisins also have good electrolyte content and are worth consuming!

Dairy products such as Milk, buttermilk, and yogurt are also important consumables rich in water and electrolytes.

· Soybeans and tofu and also essential consumable products rich in electrolytes and estrogens. They also maintain a healthy hormonal balance.
· Meat food including chicken, turkey should also be on your list for good protein and electrolyte value.

Here are some tips to maintain the electrolyte balance.
· You should take a healthy and balanced diet.
· You should include the foods that contain electrolytes in your diet.
· You should keep yourself hydrated and drink plenty of water.
· You should minimize the salt intake in your diet.
· You should avoid outdoor exercise during hot days.
· You should not overuse over-the-counter diuretics.

Causes of electrolyte imbalance are:
· Dehydration – Loss of body fluids causes dehydration leading to electrolyte imbalance.
· Kidney function – Chronic kidney diseases can cause an increase in potassium level leading to imbalance.
· Medical conditions – People with type 1 diabetes and eating disorder are prone to imbalance.
· Medications – People on certain medications like chemotherapy drugs, beta-blockers, laxatives, and diuretics have a
chance of electrolyte imbalance.

Electrolytes are important for the body to function properly. It helps in transmitting nerve signals from various body parts to the brain and helps maintain blood's pH level. And electrolyte imbalance causes many problems. So, eat a well-balanced diet and follow these simple tips to maintain balance.