How To Boost Metabolism With these simple steps!
Sayantika Chatterjee
Your metabolism is as plain as your fingerprint. Some people metabolize food very quickly, while others metabolize food slowly. Food metabolism is simply your body breaking down what you've eaten and turning it into energy. The quicker your body does the process, the less likely you are to store what you have eaten as fat, and all fat is simply stored as a source of energy for later use.
Another key component of the metabolism puzzle is the BMR or Basal Metabolic Rate, and that too is unique to us as individuals. Your BMR is how many calories you need basically to live or how many calories your body uses on a daily basis.
Hence, we have listed down few ways to boost up your metabolism and how can you spread the calories throughout the course of the day.

- Check Your Diet Minutely
You need to chop off these extra calories in order to lose weight. However, it may not be good for your metabolism to cut too many calories. If you consume less than is necessary for the body's biological function, it affects the rate of metabolism of your body. Your body starts to break down calorie-burning tissue for energy when such occurs. So you have to eat well enough to avoid starvation or hunger. Take low-calorie meals, but don't stay hungry.

- Never Skip Your Breakfast
It is a common phenomenon among adults to skip their breakfasts and go for a brunch rather. Even though you might think that you are still filling up your stomach, but actually it is affecting your internal workings. Therefore, we cannot emphasize enough the importance of eating your breakfast every morning. The morning meal is one of the most important aspects of a good metabolism diet, and should never be skipped if weight is the utmost concern for you. People who skip breakfast are more likely to destroy their fast metabolism and in turn, start gaining weight. No matter how busy you are in the morning, try to eat something, even grab your bottle of oatmeal with you and have it on the way.

- Hot Beverages are actually good for your health
A study confirmed that a cup of good tea can increase your metabolism by 12%. More still, more researches have popped up to agree that the antioxidant catechins in tea or coffee can be an effective metabolism booster.

- Use Fibre to fight Fat
Studies have shown that fiber will contribute up to 30 percent to your fat burn. It is also shown that people who eat high fiber content do not get excessive weight over time. At least 25 g of fiber should be eaten each day. This can be easily achieved by consuming three portions of each fruit and vegetable.

- Don’t miss out the proteins
The human body needs protein in order to maintain lean muscle. Researches have concluded that protein can rev postmeal calorie burn as much as 35%. Hence, it is essential to include protein in your daily diet plan.
- Drink Enough Water
According to German research, drinking 6-8 glasses of water every day can increase your resting metabolism by about 50 calories per day. This is just enough to shed 5 pounds of fat easily.