How To Make A Vision Board And What To Include In It
Neeru Dangwal
A Vision board is something that helps you to achieve the goals you set for yourself. The purpose of a vision board is to make your dreams come true. They are generally boards which have your goals and dreams in form of picture, collage, and quotes that will remind you and motivate you towards your goal. Vision Boards actually works and makes you aware consciously/unconsciously about your vision every year. If you don’t know how to make it and what should you include in it. We are here to help you out.

1) What do you need to make a vision board?
The list includes the following:-
· Posterboard
· Scissors
· Glue stick
· Cutouts of quotes you like.
· Markers
· Paper & Pen
· Images

2) Think about your goals and priorities
First start with a pen and a rough paper, write your goals on it, and number them according to priority. Goals which are needed to be achieved at any cost, write them or draw them on your vision board in a bigger font, small goals like spending time with family and exercising, write them in a small font but it should be visible.

3) Find quotes and pictures you like
A vision board should look appealing, so pictures that inspire you or remind you of your goals and quotes which motivate you towards your goals, you can search images with quotes on the internet, get a printout, cut it out accordingly and make a collage out of it on the vision board, so you will subconsciously remain aware of your goals.

4) Add your Creativity
Everything on the vision board shouldn’t be from the internet, you should add your creativity to it, by adding sketches and doodles around the collage with colorful markers so it looks like it has your personal touch to it.

5) Display
It is very important to keep your vision board at a place where you are able to see it consciously or unconsciously or at a place where it is visible from any point of the room.
Put it in an appropriate place so it can remind you of your goals always until you achieve them.

Now that you know about how to make a vision board, make yourself one so it can help you achieve your goals at a pace. Vision Board had worked for me throughout the years and I’m sure it will work out for you too.