Hypertension Management
Jessica Joy
High blood pressure or hypertension is one of the leading problems in the world. High blood pressure leads to heart diseases or stroke and may also cause kidney damage. To prevent the risk of high blood pressure everybody needs to change and modify their daily lifestyle.
Lifestyle has an important role in managing high blood pressure. You should follow a healthy lifestyle.
Here are some lifestyle changes you can make to lower your blood pressure levels.
· You should reduce salt intake
Salt contains sodium chloride, has been used to flavor and preserve food for years. Both Sodium and Chloride are essential for various body functions, one helps in managing the fluid balance of our blood, regulating blood pressure. Eating excess salt can disturb this balance and lead to an increase in blood pressure. So, you should consume less amount of salt in your diet.
· You should take enough potassium
A low intake of potassium may lead to the risk of high blood pressure. It is needed for many body functions like sodium and also regulates fluid balance and blood pressure. By taking enough potassium, you can counterbalance the negative effects of sodium and keep blood pressure in range.
· You should maintain a healthy body weight
By maintaining healthy body weight, we can manage our blood pressure. If the body weight increases, the demand for the heart also increases, which leads to an increase in blood pressure. So, lose some extra pounds and manage your blood pressure.
· You should be physically active
Physical activity and exercise benefit both physical and mental health. Physical activity can increase our heart’s strength, reduces the effort needed to pump blood around the body, and helps in managing blood pressure.
Changing some lifestyle practices can have a great impact on the management of high blood pressure, by following these simple tips you can manage the blood pressure and avoid heavy hospital bills, the choice is yours.