Some Common Food Allergies that Everyone Should be Aware Of!
Jessica Joy
Food allergies are an immune response that occurs soon after consuming a certain food. Even a small amount of food causing allergy can trigger the signs and symptoms of it.
It occurs because our immune system wrongly recognizes some of the proteins in food as harmful. Some food allergies can be even life-threatening. Among the total population, only 10-15% of people suffer from these food allergies. There is no cure for it as it is an autoimmune reaction.

Prominent Symptoms to note are as follows:-
· Hives or eczema
· Swelling of the lips, face, and throat
· Wheezing
· Trouble in breathing
· Abdominal pain
· Nausea, vomiting
. Dizziness

Here are some common food allergies.
· Cow’s milk
This allergy is mostly seen in babies and young children, especially when they are given cow’s milk before they are 6 months old. It can occur in both IgE and non-IgE forms, but the most common and serious one is IgE cow milk allergies. They experience symptoms like rashes, hives, swelling, vomiting, and diarrhea. You should avoid products of cow’s milk.

· Peanuts
Peanut allergies are also common and are potentially fatal. It affects 4-5% of children. The main cause of this allergy is not known but it is thought that people having a family history of peanut allergies are more prone to it.

· Wheat
Wheat contains proteins that cause allergies in some persons. It results in digestive distress, hives, vomiting, inflammation, and rashes. It is diagnosed with a skin prick test. You should avoid wheat and wheat-containing products.

· Soy
It is mostly seen in infants. This allergy is triggered by a protein in soybeans. They experience symptoms like runny nose, rash, itching, difficulty in breathing.
· Fish
Most people are allergic to fishes or some specific species of fish. It causes a serious and fatal allergic reaction. People may experience symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea and in some cases, anaphylaxis may also occur.

If you think you have a food allergy, you should talk to your doctor. Some of the allergies are determined by blood tests, by measuring the IgE antibodies. People get confused between food intolerance and allergies. Allergies are caused due to immune reactions while food intolerance occurs when the body cannot digest the food properly.