Why Is It Important To Stay Hydrated?
Jessica Joy
Your body needs water to survive. Every organ needs water to work properly. Water is essential for optimum hydration and functioning of the body. It helps in maintaining body temperature, waste removal, and lubricating the joints.
You should drink at least eight glasses of water to stay hydrated. Females need around 1.7 liters of water daily, while males need around 3.7 liters.

Benefits of staying hydrated
· It promotes cardiovascular health
Our heart is a big muscle that is continuously functioning to ensure we get enough oxygen for all our cells. Dehydration causes low blood volume, which causes our heart to work harder and faster.

· It increases energy and brain function
All the cells need to be hydrated in order to function properly. If dehydration occurs, it causes issues with mood, concentration, headache, memory, and fatigue.

· It lubricates joints and muscles
The muscles need enough amount of water for proper functioning. If dehydration occurs muscle cramps can be caused.

· It cleanses your body
Your body needs to get rid of toxins from food, beverages, air, and other contaminants. Drinking water cleans your body by kidneys in form of urine and stool. The more water you drink, the more toxins will release from your body.

· It helps to treat ailments
Water helps in kidney stones, headaches. The more you drink water the possibility of getting rid of stones increases.
· It helps in glowing skin
Water helps in getting rid of toxins and helps to skin glow.

Tips to stay hydrated
· Drink water every hour.
· Eat fruits containing water.
· Drink fruit juices.
· Drink flavored drinks.
· Drink smoothies.
· Avoid sugary drinks
· Drink aloe water.
· Swap your tea or coffee with iced tea.

Keeping yourself hydrated is actually pretty easy. You just have to drink water in adequate quantity throughout the day. Hydration is necessary for basic daily work. If your near and dear ones are facing problems staying hydrated, these are some of the ways to be hydrated and tell them the importance of being hydrated.